Jupiter Terminal

An open-sourced, lite version of Jupiter that provides end-to-end swap flow by linking it in your HTML. Check out the visual demo for the various integration modes below.


Things you can configure

Fixed input mint

Input mint cannot be changed

Fixed output mint

Output mint cannot be changed

Exact output mode

Specify output instead of input

Fixed amount

Depending on Exact In / Exact Out, the amount cannot be changed

Initial amount

Amount to be prefilled on first load

Simulate wallet passthrough

Simulate Terminal with a fake wallet passthrough

Strict Token List

The strict list contains a smaller set of validated tokens. To see all tokens, toggle "off".

Preferred Explorer

Jupiter renders as a part of your dApp.


Code snippet

2    "displayMode": "integrated",
3    "integratedTargetId": "integrated-terminal",
4    "endpoint": "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com"